Tuesday, May 26, 2015

5 Reasons to Use Organic Bedding

Why We Choose Organic Bedding for our Livestock Comfort.


What is Organic Bedding?

Organic Material is made from a living organism such as a plant.  This differs from other options that are processed such as sand or the use of rubber mats.
There are many types of organic bedding.  The most common are:
  • Wheat Straw
  • Oat Straw
  • Corn Stalks 

5 Reasons to Use Organic Bedding

1. Absorbs moisture and prevents runoff.

Different types of organic material absorb at varying levels.  Corn stalks are the most absorbent of the three we have listed as the most common.  The benefit of using the more absorbent material is that you use less material because it lasts longer.  This will in turn save you time bedding and removing waste less frequently as well as saving money on bedding.
Using organic material prevents runoff.  The material absorbs liquid waste preventing it from running into your soil causing contamination and soil erosion.

2. Reuse materials for fertilizing crop ground.

Collecting waste with organic material provides a head start for fertilizing your crop ground.  Spreading your livestock waste with organic material provides nutrients and needed organic matter for your soil composition.  Organic matter provides a reservoir to store the nutrients from your livestock waste.
Using organic bedding ensures you don't have to find a way to dispose of your livestock waste and used up material.  You are able to reuse the material and waste for additional use on your farm.  This completes the cycle for growing the food for your livestock.

3. Less joint impact on livestock.

Providing a soft bedding for your livestock encourages more rest time for your livestock.  In general, 10 hours of rest leisure time is recommended.  When livestock stand in sand, they not only have harsh impact on their joints when they walk, the sand also deteriorates their hooves.  This makes it uncomfortable and difficult for them to walk around.  Using a more forgiving bedding option provides ease of lifestyle for livestock.

4. Protects equipment from clogging.

Using material such as corn stalks or straw are long enough they will not get trapped in drains and other equipment.  When using sand, it easily runs off and clogs drains, motors, chains, etc.  This can cost hours of time spent unclogging and hundreds of dollars replacing worn or broken parts.

5. Renewable Resource that is readily available.

As a whole, farmers are moving to choose options that are sustainable and benefit the environment.  In the Midwest, sand is found from byproducts of fracking.  This releases toxins into the air and has many negative impacts.  Most livestock farmers are also crop farmers or have neighbors that crop farm.  This makes finding the right type of organic material for you a breeze.  These crops are replanted every year.  This prevents soil erosion, provides adequate bedding for your livestock, and puts nutrients back in the soil to sustain the next crop.
These are just some of the benefits of using organic material for your bedding. 
Compare the specific types of organic bedding by downloading our FREE ebook Today!

Save Money with Cattle Bedding

In our Free ebook, learn more tips and tricks to grow your profits with bedding.
Visit our website at www.top-notchmachine.com to learn how you can spread bedding more efficiently.
Share this information with your friends who need help deciding on their bedding!
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